Emergency Response solution: A Microsoft Power Platform solution for healthcare emergency response

As the COVID-19 crisis escalated earlier this month, we released a Microsoft Power Platform solution for managing communications across an organization. Thousands of customers have since employed that solution, and many have reached out to ask for additional help in their response to the global pandemic.

The next wave of need we identified were from hospitals and healthcare providers, and a local Seattle healthcare organization reached out to us seeking help to get a quick solution up and running. Like many healthcare organizations today, they needed to track and gain visibility over critical resources like available beds and scarce supplies like ventilators and masks. They needed their frontline workers like registered nurses and charge nurses to collect this information via their mobile phones. That information would feed into a decision support system that the emergency managers at these providers would use to make quick decisions in near real-time about where to divert these scarce resources.

This solution was designed with and is now in use at this Seattle hospital, and we want to make this solution available to all healthcare providers, so today we’re releasing the Emergency Response solution for any healthcare provider to download and track their scarce resources during an emergency.


  1. https://izea.com/2019/01/15/top-tech-blogs/
  2. https://www.wired.com/
  3. https://www.technologyreview.com/
  4. https://techcrunch.com/
  5. https://gizmodo.com/

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