GJ Career Talk Series: Career Planning

21st November 2022

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology (GJIMT) recently organized an insightful Career Awareness Workshop aimed at equipping students with valuable guidance for their professional journeys. This workshop was specially curated for members of the NSS, NCC, and other interested students, bringing them face-to-face with accomplished leaders and mentors.

The workshop featured esteemed speakers, Brigadier M. Singh and Mr. Rattan Singh from Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKSS), who shared their extensive expertise in the fields of defense and government banking sectors. Through interactive sessions, they offered a deep dive into career paths in defense services and government banking, shedding light on entry points, eligibility criteria, and the skills required to succeed in these competitive fields.

This workshop provided students with practical insights into the application process, preparatory strategies, and career growth opportunities within these sectors. Brigadier M. Singh’s experience in defense added a motivational perspective for aspiring cadets, while Mr. Rattan Singh’s guidance highlighted pathways in government banking, offering students a well-rounded understanding of viable career options.

Through such proactive initiatives, GJIMT continues to empower its students by connecting them with industry veterans, thus fostering a supportive environment for career planning. This Career Awareness Workshop not only enriched students’ knowledge but also ignited their aspirations, preparing them to make informed decisions about their futures.

Join GJIMT now and jump start your career with strong foundation and life long placements!