Call for Papers: 18th National e-Conference at GJIMT

About the e-Conference

GJIMT is hosting its 18th National Conference on Navigating the New Normal: Rethinking Business in a Changing World to address the impact of Covid-19 on the world of work and deliberate on how to build a better future post-pandemic. We organize the national conference every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share their views and experiences in Business Management & Commerce, Finance & Economics, Social Sciences & Humanities and Technology related areas.

Why Rethink Business?

The Covid-19 Pandemic inflicted a devastating blow on the global economy. The economic and social breakdown threatens the long-term livelihoods and wellbeing of millions. No society or economy is unaffected leading to dramatic changes in how businesses act and consumers behave.

Lower and middle-income countries are the most affected with an estimated 23.3% drop in working hours – equivalent to 240 million jobs – in the second quarter. The economic backlash of the Covid-19 wiped out 81 million jobs in 2020. Moreover, workers in developing nations had also seen their income drop more than 15%. The situation in such countries is most vulnerable owing to the weakest social protection systems and least resources for working people to fall back upon. Women and young people were the worst hit with more women than men losing their jobs. To make it worse the “fiscal stimulus gap” between wealthy economies and the developing world amounts to a whopping $982 billion.

This gives an indication of a post-COVID world with greater inequalities between regions, countries, sectors and social groups which is contrary to the better world that could have been built had the pandemic not struck. An urgent need is felt across countries to protect the workers and economies and to build resilience for the future.

e-Conference Objectives

  • Provide an ideal platform where practitioners, academicians, researchers and students can meet and deliberate upon the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic and the changing needs of the global businesses.
  • Assess the impacts of COVID-19 on the economy, society, government, business, and households in India and all over the world.
  • Weigh the aftereffects of the pandemic for digitalization in the region and the realization of the SDGs.
    Learn lessons and ideas for building resilient, malleable and sustainable economies amid continued COVID-19 uncertainty.

e-Conference Goal

The 18th GJ-NatConMite will focus on strategies to strengthen the national economy and build resilience, in order to face crises now and in the future by drawing on lessons learned and experiences amid the Covid-19 uncertainty.

  • Who can attend
  • Academicians/Scientists
  • Students/Researchers/Ph.D Scholars
  • Corporate Representatives/NGOs
  • Industrialists/Consultants
  • Government officials/Policy makers

Call for Papers

The 2021 National Conference on “Navigating the New Normal: Rethinking Business in a Changing World” welcomes research abstracts and full papers pertaining to the Conference Theme in the field of Business, Commerce, Education, Travel &Tourism and Information Technology from authors in the global research community.

Sub Themes

  • Marketing & E-Commerce
  • Human Resource Management
  • Banking, Financial Services & Insurance
  • Operations Management
  • Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
  • Information Technology
  • Economics
  • Education

The list is not all exhaustive and one is free to add any relevant area to subject.
For Additional Information about Call for Papers, please contact
Dr. Bushra S. P. Singh
Assistant Professor, GJIMT, Mohali

Author Guidelines

  • Maximum Word Limit: Full papers must not exceed 3000 words, excluding figures, tables, appendix, and references.
  • Document Must Include: A separate title page containing the Title (250 Character Maximum), Author name(s) and affiliation(s), address(es) of Institute/Organization, corresponding address, email id(s), contact no(s) of all authors, Abstract of 200-400 words and 5-6 Keywords.Author details must not be included in the manuscripts elsewhere for blind peer review.
  • In the abstract author(s) should clearly mention the (a) Introduction and Research Problem, (b) Literature Review, (c) Research Gap, (d) Objectives of the Study, (e) Research Methodology, (f) Findings of the Study, (g) Discussion and Implications of the Study
  • Heading levels must be clear, and the sections clearly defined.
  • Supplemental material used in the paper must be titled and numbered sequentially. There should be an indication of the source of the table which must be mentioned below the material.
  • When citing supplemental material such as a table or a figure in text, refer to it by its number, such as “Table 3” or “Figure 2.” Do not refer to it by its position relative to the text (e.g., “the figure below”) or page number.
  • Font Style: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12-Point Font
  • Spacing: 1.5-spaced
  • Margins: 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around
  • Document Type: Adobe PDF, Word
  • Referencesare to be arranged in alphabetical order and as per the APA (American Psychological Association) Guidelines.All works cited in the text are to be included in the References section.
  • Footnotes must be avoided.
  • The papermust be organized in the following order: (1) Introduction, (2) Literature Review, (3) Objectives of the Study, (4) Research Methodology, (5) Findings and Analysis, (6) Conclusions or Discussion, (7) Implications of the Study, (8) References and (9) Appendices (wherever applicable).

How to Submit

All full papers are to be sent by email to the Conference Convener at All email submissions would receive an email acknowledgement within 5 business days of submission. If no acknowledgement is received, please email: to seek confirmation of receipt.

Best Paper Awards

In order to be considered for “Best Paper Presentation Award”, the authors are required to submit the full paper on or before 23rd September 2021 and present the same through screensharing. The author of an awarded paper, and co-authors if any, will be entitled to a signed official award e-certificate and the announcement of their achievement on the conference webpage.

Conference Publications

  • Presented papers shall be published in ABDC/Scopus/UGC-Care Indexed Journal/Edited Book with ISBN (*Additional processing fee (if any) would be borne by the contributor).
  • The list of selected journals shall be updated soon.

Important Dates

Last Date of Registration and Abstract Submission 3rd September, 2021
Acceptance of Abstract 8th September, 2021
Full Paper Submission 23rd September, 2021
PowerPoint Presentation Submission 1st October, 2021
Conference Day & Date 13th October 2021 (Wednesday)

Fee & Registration

Rs. 500 per author Register Me

(Kindly create these icons. Make the Register Me button clickable and insert this link in the button)
There is no registration fees for listener/attendee. Paper presenters may pay the registration fees viaIMPS or Google Pay as per the following details:

Beneficiary Name Gian Jyoti Institute of Management & Technology
Name of the Bank Axis Bank
Account Number 917010047654066
Bank Code 003367
MICR Code 160211055
IFSC Code UTIB0003367

Note: Participants are required to send the UTR Number & Bank Name via email to to complete the registration.

Programme Schedule

Coming Soon

Organizing Committee

Patron Mr. J. S. Bedi
Conference Chair Dr. Aneet Bedi
+ 91-98147-44642
Conference Coordinators Dr. Neeraj Sharma
Dean Academics

Dr. Bushra S. P. Singh
Assistant Professor


Gian Jyoti Institute of Management & Technology (GJIMT) was established under the aegis of Gian Jyoti Educational Society (GJES) in the year 1998. GJIMT is approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, India and affiliated to I.K.G Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU), Kapurthala, Punjab, India. GJ-IMT is a pioneer in innovative academic and practical training of students of MBA, MCA, BBA, BCA, B.Com(Hons) and BTTM Courses. GJIMT is setting path breaking records in university assessments as well as placements for its students. The Tribune has ranked us 2nd in the Top BBA Colleges (2020). Business India has placed GJIMT in the A+ category B-School in North India (November 2019). GJIMT is a consistent force to be reckoned with when it comes to building bankable future human force.

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Phone: 099144 33199

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